Bands Pulldowns
To perform band pulldowns it requires at least one band or two bands. To setup band pulldowns with one band, take the band and choke it around the one of the frame members along the top of the rack....
View ArticleSeated Band Rows With Handle
To perform seated band rows, take the barbell out of the squat rack and place it on the outside of the backside of the rack. Take a band and lay it perpendicular to the barbell and put the barbell on...
View ArticleBand Rows
To perform a band rows, you can set them up a couple of different ways. The first way which is the easiest way to setup involves 2 bands and a stable pole or machine to tie to. Take two bands and tie...
View ArticleBand Resisted Pullups
To perform a band resisted pull-up, take the pins from a squat rack and drop them down the lowest setting. Take your resistance band and loop it around both pins at the floor. The band should be...
View ArticleBand Assisted Pullups
To perform a band assisted pull-up, take the squat rack pins and set them up at about hip level. Loop a band over each one so that the band lays parallel to the floor. Stretch the band down towards...
View ArticleBand Good Mornings
To perform a band good morning, stand on the inside of a band lying on the floor. Take the opposite end and put it across your band and hold onto it with your hands so it doesn’t fly off. Stick your...
View ArticleTrap Bar Shrugs
Stand in the trap bar and deadlift it to lockout and then shrug the weight up with your traps. Really contract the traps and try and bring the shoulders up to your ears. Also let the weight stretch...
View ArticleUnderhand Narrow-Grip Chin-Ups
Grip the bar about shoulder width with your palms facing in. Start with your lats fully stretched in a hanging position. While looking towards the ceiling, pull your body up until your chin is over...
View ArticleReverse-Grip Lat Pulldowns
Adjust the lap-bar so that your body stays firmly in place throughout the exercise. Using a shoulder-width grip and palms facing in, extend your arms fully so that you feel a full stretch in your...
View ArticleUpright Rows
Using a narrow grip and shoulder width stance, hold the bar with an overhand grip. Fully extend your arms in front of you, and keeping your elbows up high, pull the weight towards your chins. Pause...
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